be seen as HUNTING.Hunting can be described as the practice of killing or trapping any living organism or pursuing it with the intent of doing so.
Though not for the intent of killing, Recruitment in itself can be likened to hunting in fact it is said to be "HeadHunting" in some specialized cases.
-Kill, Learn, Impress or Intimidate, Produce, Eat or Showcase which could form (K.L.I.P.E.S). All these also can be expressed in Human Resource Management Terms in Recruitment.It might be asked " Are Human Resource Professionals regarding would be employees has animals to be hunted for sports?" The answer is NO, "How therefore is Recruitment likened to Hunting?" The answer lies in the fact that they share some of the same methods, process and strategy.
This strategy for hunting could better be explained as the acronym S.I.E.V.E which is what the recruitment
officers or managers do until they get the best candidate for the job.
S- SIZE OR AVAILABILITY OF PREY: This occurs when there is a large availability of prey or candidates for the job and this is usually a "Kill to eat" scenario. They go through it either by:
Driving (is the herding of animals in a particular direction, usually toward another hunter in the group) in the Human Resource Management world, this can be referred to as the Job-Fairs that are organized in which the unemployed are gathered to meet with companies and get to showcase themselves or talents.
or Battue (This involves scaring animals (by beating sticks) into a killing zone or ambush.) its look alike in the Human Resource Recruitment world is when labour supply is created or increased due to fear created from gloomy economic predictions or deductions in the media which leads to a job search frenzy.
Either way, the firms due to the large availability of prey would gain positively as a high tendency to recruit the best candidate out of the numerous is possible.
I- INFORMATION POWER: This type of hunting occurs when the prey or candidates for the job is
"Hunted for Learning". Such Hunting is executed by:
Glassing (the use of optical instruments (such as binoculars) to locate animals more easily) its look alike
in the Human Resource Recruitment sphere could be Vendor Management for Training and development in an organisation. It could also be recruitment of an expert in order to be shadowed by other employees to
learn his or her technical know how.
It is however the case with the hunting for learning that the sojourn together existing between the company and the expert might last long after a period when the necessary competencies expected, might have been reached or have been achieved.
Their strategies could include Baiting and Calling. Baiting ( involves the use of decoys, lures, scent or food to attract targeted animals) in the Human Resource world however could be seen as the various challenges, facilities and other issues that are attached to the job that would want to make the hunted (expert) want to join such a company.
Calling (is the use of noises to attract or drive animals) in the pretigious Human Resources world on the other hand,is like showcasing one's company of Human Capital arsenal in such a way that would get the prey or in our situation the expert candidate to want to pitch tent with the company. It is important to note that such experts are not moved by financial benefits alone.
They are usually abit high up the MOTIVATIONAL TRIANGLE in the Abraham Maslow's Theory of Motivation.
Why then are we intrested in hunting and strategies that could be employed by recruitment managers. It would help candidates know how to strategically prepare and position themselves in order to better their lot in the recruitment process. It is also to provide information for them in order to protect them from any unfair labour practice due to various strategies that might occur in the recruitment process.
I, however, would like your feedback on various hunting styles you have come across, either via interviews and all as we wait for the concluding part of this series.
- angel dharmmy
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